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Yacht-Master Sail

Yacht-master-sail cursus_sail-master-training
  • Ship under 2OO Ums sail in 1/2/3/4/5 or 6 catégory at less than 150NM from a safe shelter.

  • Professional activity restricted to British or commonwealth flag.

  • Ship under 24m length, sail in 3/4/5 or 6 catégory at less than 20NM from a safe shelter by nice or medium weather under 5 Beaufort & by day only.

  • Professional activity restricted to British or commonwealth flag.

Modular course

Y-M Coastal



Yacht-master sail : Question/Answered


  • What is-this?

Le Yacht-master is an RYA certification (English Royal Yachting Association, the équivalent of the FFV) recognised by the MCA (Maritime & Coastaguard Agency, the équivalent of the french Aff Mar).

This certification includes 3 level of compétence: Coastal, Off-shore, Océan. the yacht-master is recognised in the worldwide professional pleasure commonwealth environnement, like in most current of renting sailing boat company

  • For whom?

Whether your goal is to become a professional sailor or simply to benefit from a very pragmatic and interactive pedagogy, to validate an English-language certification that will allow you to safely cast off.

This graduation is made for you.

If you wish to validate your professional diploma, it must be "endorsed": to fulfil the necessary conditions for the BST (Basic Safety Training) which has 4 modules that are very useful from a practical point of view (Safety at sea/Fire fighting/First aid at sea/Maritime responsability), and the PPR online (Practical Professional Responsability) & a medical martime visit update.

  • How ?

There is no specific curriculum, neither a recommanded duration, it's depending your initial bachground

(refer at First evaluation in the 3 items to define an ad hoc training project). The practical & theoretical certification are exclusively in english, like every qualifications which are proposed & limited to the area of competency from each recognised operational base.

  • How long time?

A maximum duration off 3 years is recommanded for following all the Yacht-master level from coastal to Off-shore but it's not obligatory. As soon as your pre-requisities achieved, we ask you to have validated the theoretical certification of the level corresponding to the ambitious practical certifications, as well as follow at least a practical preparation of 8dys1/2 (outside the period of preparation for examination of a duration of 7dys1/2): You refer to the hierarchical chart above.

  • Where ?  

We offered to you the possibility to valid your certification at start of our main base of St-Malo, geographically centered close the English Channel and Galicia in Vigo, our 2 historic bases for which we maintain an important attachment with the organization of annual building miles.




 Sail-Training & Yacht-master


                s/v "Maitai"

              35400 St-Malo


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